We have recently been receiving requests for info on the booking process from those that have registered their interest in staying with us at Village on the Curves next June. Here is the latest update…

The team have been working tirelessly to ensure we give as many of those who have registered their interest the opportunity to join us.

As mentioned in previous emails the process has been much slower than hoped due to a variety of reasons, mainly the number of changes which have been made to requirements since making initial contact, as well as a slow response to confirmations. Although we have given 48 hours, we are trying to operate a fair policy and do make additional phone calls to assist with the booking.

Can we kindly ask that all clients ensure that they contact us within the 48-hour window to confirm the booking or make amendments.

Anyone who is not attending please let us know immediately. This will not only save the team time in avoiding having to make follow ups calls, but will also allow those that genuinely what to secure their place to do so.

The team understand the concerns with the process and that you need to secure a booking for 2024 and that there are genuine concerns that other options may diminish as time goes by. We are aware that a number of the other private sites are not starting their booking process until October /November and you can register an interest in advance.We are still pursuing the possibility of a second site with the ACO but because of events being held in September we have not been able to arrange a meeting. We are hopeful that this will occur shortly so may have better news before the end of the month. 

We understand the frustration but we would ask that you allow us a little more time to complete the process and help us by working with us to achieve the fairest and best out come for all who have registered their interest.

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